Diana Mondino
Characteristics of an intelligent and elegant woman
Karin Silvina Hiebaum – International Press
‘It’s not the looks, it’s the essence. It’s not the money, it’s the education. It’s not the clothes, it’s the class,’ said Coco Chanel.
By Mgter. Karin Hiebaum de Bauer
Austria Online News
In a society where we think that the most important thing is the physical appearance, it is time to change the thinking and know that there are characteristics of an intelligent woman that are worth much more.
In these times of fast fashions, of use it and throw it away, of fighting for a place, can there be room for intelligence and elegance? Undoubtedly, and if it is a woman who combines these qualities, we are facing an exceptional being. So we give you these tips to be the example of this winning combination and everyone knows, just by looking at you, that you are the model of elegance and intelligence that makes the difference.
Characteristics of a smart and elegant woman to stand out
This article is brought to you with great affection by our dear friend Diana Mondino on behalf of Laura Lavalle and Sole Bensusan.
Talking with them about you, we came to this conclusion.
You have a personal style
Let’s take into account one of Coco Chanel’s phrases, a clear example of an elegant and intelligent woman: ‘everything that is fashion goes out of fashion, style never’. Don’t be a trend follower, be the trend yourself. Having style is more than wearing a garment or using a color. It is to distinguish yourself from the rest.
Talk and listen
Winning combination. Nothing is as attractive as a woman who is a great conversationalist, but more importantly a good listener. Many aching souls are looking for someone to listen to them and give them a word of encouragement. Not to solve their life, but to make them realize that they were listened to. So become that person you would like to find to talk about what distresses you, what makes you doubt or just want to share a minute of your life.
Accept yourself as you are
Learn to make the best of yourself and you will see that you are the most beautiful woman you know. It’s not conformism, it’s self-love. You are the most valuable thing you have and when you learn to see yourself as the treasure you are, others perceive it. It is a work of self-knowledge and learning.
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It’s hard work, especially if society has taught us that we have to fit into a mold. But remember that sameness is tiring. The different and unique is what is remembered.
‘It’s not the appearance, it’s the essence. It’s not the money, it’s the education. It’s not the clothes, it’s the class’, said Coco Chanel. Now it’s your turn to be unique, smart and elegant.