Milei talks about «historical election» and will seek the vote of the center-right in the face of the ballot

Javier Milei, who managed to move to the second round of the elections this Sunday, proclaimed that he has made a «historic election,» and appealed to the support of the voters of the conservative coalition Juntos por el Cambio to beat the ruling candidate, Sergio Massa, on November 19.

Massa wins the elections in Argentina and will contest the second electoral round against a historic Milei

«Having made the best choice in history for liberalism in Argentina fills us with pride,» said Milei, who recalled that he managed to build his movement in «only two years» and this Sunday he reaped a triumph that also allowed him to obtain 40 deputies and eight senators.

The leader of La Libertad Avanza obtained 30.08% of the votes and will go to the ballot with Massa, the current Minister of Economy and candidate of the Peronist formation Unión por la Patria, who led this Sunday’s elections by adding 36.51% of the votes, with 95.84% of the tables counted.

«All of us who want change have to work together,» said Milei thinking about the ballot on November 19 and appealing to the voters of the Together for Change (center-right) coalition and her candidate, Patricia Bullrich, who with 23.85% of the votes was relegated to third place.

«During all these months, the campaign made many of us who want a change face each other,» Milei said.

Sergio Massa: the tiger gave the blow to the lion, Javier Milei

«I come to end that process of aggression and attacks. I am willing to make tábula rasa, shuffle and give again with the aim of ending Kirchnerism,» announced the libertarian candidate, «because beyond our differences, what we have to understand is that we face a criminal organization.»

Milei accused the followers of the vice president and former president (2007-2015), Cristina Fernández, of defending «populist ideas» and being part of a «Government of criminals who want to mortgage» the future «to remain in power» and «deepen the decline (of Argentina).»

«Today we are faced with the most important election of the last hundred years,» Milei said, and insisted: «There has never been a clearer choice in our history.»

Milei took the stage to give his speech wrapped in the chant «In November at all costs, in November we have to win!» From his followers, who this Sunday also sang him the «Happy Birthday» on his 53rd anniversary.