Tension with Villarruel, Posse and the battle won against Fatima, with whom he had a war of ‘witch works’. The tarotist of discord in the trip to the United States.

The order came without warning, dry, harsh, in a tone that left no room for doubt.

-No one gets up to greet her.

Karina Milei did not need to raise her voice or say more than those five words to let everyone present know that a holy war had just begun. And «the Boss» is not about taking prisoners or hostages.

Carolina Píparo and Carlos Kikuchi were in the worst place in the brawl.

They were sitting on one of the edges of the table, in the vip of the restaurant El Estanciero, in Las Cañitas, of which Martín Menem owns a part. A while ago, the second presidential debate had ended at the Law School, and the most intimate members of La Libertad Avanza had gone there to make a toast.

The evening was a party -after the victory in the PASO, everyone imagined a great result in October- until they saw Javier Milei approaching with a woman they had only known through television. And there, as Fátima Florez approached, was when Karina made the drums beat.

Píparo and Kikuchi had the misfortune of being at the end where Milei and his brand new partner, whom he had just introduced in society, chose to sit. This Dantesque scene still lacked one more chapter, which ended up generating a huge discomfort in all those present: as soon as Fátima settled in her seat, Karina Milei got up. And she did it with all the drama she managed to imprint on the situation, as if she were in a casting for a leading role in an afternoon soap opera.

And although everyone present had complied with the order not to get up to greet the actress, only the most faithful of the «Boss» decided to follow her in her strategic retreat. So the table was, on one side, with Karina, Martín Menem, the now deputy Romina Diez and Sandra Petovello, and on the other side, Milei, his new partner, Kikuchi and Píparo. In the middle, the emptiness.

That day, on October 8, Fatima and Karina met for the first time. Already that night, the sister swore to herself to eliminate the actress from the map, an anger to which no one in the Government can find a rational explanation. And it is a matter of believe it or not: those who remained close to the impersonator, with whom they chatted animatedly for the rest of the evening, were then ejected from the space by the tarotist.

The fact is that whatever «El Jefe» wants always comes true, whether it is about the life of the eldest of the family or about the course of the Government.

And now, without her girlfriend -with whom she even had an esoteric feud- Karina is more empowered than ever.

Crisis. On Friday, April 5, the cover of the issue of NOTICIAS was published with the headline «The mystery of Milei’s dogs», where it was revealed, contrary to the official discourse, that the President has four dogs in Olivos. And that a fifth one died in 2020, despite the fact that the libertarian claims to play with him every morning, one more chapter of the saga of dialogues with the beyond that Milei claims to be able to maintain through his medium sister.

Anyone who has heard him talk about Conan’s clones as if they were his «little children» knows that the subject was a delicate one for the economist. And this magazine also knows it: the night before, at the closing, this media received a call from a very high government official, who warned that going out with this cover would be taken as «a declaration of war». That was how delicate the matter was.

Pablo Ibáñez, journalist of Cenital, revealed what was the President’s reaction when he received that edition. He said that in the Quinta de Olivos the libertarian, seeing the edition of NOTICIAS, had «an episode of discomfort, anger and tension» and that it was his sister who was in charge of the «emotional containment» with which he managed to calm down that outbreak. And the journalist revealed something else: «It was in that context that Karina gained power. When Javier fell, Karina took control of the Government».

From this perspective of empowerment during the presidential instability, it is necessary to analyze what happened after that date. The sequence of events is relentless. Karina forced Oscar Zago, whom she already had in her sights, to step aside from the leadership of the deputies’ block after the episode with Marcela Pagano and the Impeachment Commission, reinstated Lilia Lemoine as one of her alphies in the Chamber, increased the portfolio of the General Secretariat, which she manages in 40 million pesos, she was in charge of setting up her own party in CABA, in Salta and in Córdoba, and even had time to reconfigure the official website, «map of the State», where the new organization chart of the Government is shown and she appears just below the President and above all the ministers.

This is only what has happened in public since the cover of that issue of NOTICIAS was published. In private, Karina has turned her darts against the head of the Cabinet, Nicolás Posse, with whom her anger has been growing. Posse, she says in private, tries to remain «as a manager of a company that has no dealings with the owners» while he is alone at the helm of the administration, a tactic that does not seem to be working for Karina. On the sister’s side, where distrust is always the order of the day, they suspect that behind this proclaimed business autonomy hides the desire to bite more cash and power. And he is not the only one in the environment in the crosshairs.

The disagreements with Sandra Petovello, the Minister of Human Capital, are also on the rise. She is the only one in the Cabinet who can get a face-to-face meeting with the President without going through «the Boss», an independence that the sister does not like at all.

With Victoria Villarruel the differences are already public, and some say that this relationship is bordering on personal hatred.

Karina does all this while trying to keep the PRO out of the Government, an intention she has maintained since the end of last year when she dismantled the agreement that her brother had closed with Macri.

But there was, in this order of crossed darts, a novelty. Another of those targeted is Milei’s historic head of security, Jonathan Salerno, who has been with him since his first political tours in 2021. In that moment of «fury and tension» after the revelation of the true number of Milei’s dogs, in Olivos something like a witch hunt was unleashed, the desperate search to find the culprit of the leak of such sensitive information. And the Secretary General focused her fury on Salerno, who is far from being responsible (and who, by the way, never spoke to this media).

But something transcendental also happened in the Milei’s circle. Karina now achieved what she set out to do on that October night with which this article starts, and got rid of Fátima.

War. There was a lot of popular liturgy about the relationship between Milei and the actress. But during the months that the relationship lasted, they connected in several aspects. One, central for both of them, is the esoteric.

Fátima Florez is one of those people who are certain that much of what happens is determined by energies that cannot be rationalized. She is convinced, for example, that her cats Dick and Harry can repel «bad energies» -that is why she takes them to the dressing room and rubs them all over her body before going on stage-, she believes in bad luck -that is why she puts rue leaves on her feet when she goes out to imitate a famous vedette who is often accused of being a «mufa», She believes that physical objects harbor vibes -that is why she stopped using the bed she shared with her ex-husband, Norberto Marcos, and moved to the living room with a mattress and a new blanket, a violet one, which later became famous- and she believes, above all, in some saints. Among all of them, San Expedito, the patron saint of urgent causes, stands out for the actress.

So central for Fatima are her perceptions that already on December 19 she knew that something was wrong in her relationship with Milei. She knew it not on an earthly level, so to speak, but because that date in which the Christian martyr is remembered (like every 19th of every month) is the one Florez always chooses, religiously, to make her season debut. But this time, with the presidential inauguration so close, it had to be postponed for a few days. That was the first warning. The second, when Milei went to visit her in Mar del Plata and, in a moment of intimacy, asked her to take off the necklace of San Expedito, which she never gets rid of. And then the unthinkable happened: Florez never found that medal again. That was, for the actress, a maximum alert signal.

That is why Fatima had to resort to the forces of heaven. And she let herself be influenced by her trusted tarot reader, Anabel Accogli. She whispered in her ear that her relationship with Milei was about to end, and told her something else: she said that she had been «scouted», that they had done «a job» to encourage the separation. Both of them, needless to say, chose Karina, who, besides claiming to have the ability to communicate with living and dead animals, prides herself as a tarot reader, as the person in charge. Accogli proposed a drastic solution: to join the President’s trip to the United States, even though they knew that Karina had insisted that Florez should not be part of it, since she was confident in her power to reunite the couple.

But the end was not as expected. By means of a tweet, Milei told about the separation, citing schedule problems due to Florez’s supposed work abroad, in what was a real surprise for the imitator: not only because those functions abroad do not exist, but also because she found out the news by means of the tweet. The Milei’s particular ways are like that.

Not even Accogli could with the presidential sister. «It’s just that the work Karina did was more powerful», tells a woman in Florez’s circle. And the end was lonely: the program of El Trece, «Socios del Espectáculo», revealed a video where the tarot reader and the actress are seen returning alone to the country, stranded at the Miami airport.

Power. The backstage of what has happened in the Government in the last weeks reveals again a biographical fact about the Milei family, especially about his sister: the political capital she has depends, exclusively, on the emotional monopoly she has had for years -since all her life?- on Javier.

The President, who grew up suffering family violence, who suffered bullying, who had no friends or partner, found in his sister the only human support that always accompanied him. The only barrier against loneliness, the black hole that has haunted Milei for as long as he can remember. And she is extremely jealous in maintaining that monopoly, which explains the problems he had with Florez.

However, another element explains Karina’s place. To understand it you have to go back to the end of 2017, when Conan, Milei’s dog-son, died. That was when the sister, faced with such desolation of Javier, studied with Celia Melamed to become a medium, and began to communicate the now President with the deceased animal. That was the beginning of the esoteric path that would end, three years later, with the apparition of God and «the mission» that brought Milei: to get into politics since he was «destined» to be President in 2023.

In this scene, already known in the political liturgy of the red circle, it is not usually paid attention to a central detail: it is Karina who receives the information from the beyond. She is the vehicle with God. She is, as her brother says, «Moses». In the political place that the general secretary has today, more empowered than ever, without any disturbing presence nearby or anyone who dares to argue with her, there is, in the middle, her esoteric power. And, as if that were not enough, she has just killed a tarot reader. The forces of heaven and of the presidential sister are advancing in Argentina.

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